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Marshmallows Connoisseurs Club
Monthly Marshmallows
12 Month Subscription + 2 Free Months
$299.99 – $429.99 -
6 Month Subscription + Free Month
$149.99 – $209.99 -
3 Month Subscription
$69.99 – $109.99
Marshmallows Connoisseurs Club & Confections by Vivéltre
Delicately smooth and luxuriously fluffy, Vivéltre marshmallows are perfect as an irresistible snack or dessert straight from the box, paired with your favorite cookie, sprinkled over frozen yogurt, swirled into ice cream, in S’mores, melted in your coffee or hot chocolate or pretty much anywhere your imagination takes you.

Vivéltre Uses The Finest
All-Natural Ingredients
Our exquisite marshmallows are adapted from a traditional French recipe and handcrafted the old-fashioned way in small batches, using only the finest ingredients and lots of love and attention to detail. Timeless childhood favorites transformed into luxurious puffs of perfection suitable for any occasion such as weddings, parties or showers or no occasion at all.